Sunday, March 16, 2008

Female Ele and Emilia GET

I had this crazy idea to collect all the GE cosplayers' in-game versions XD

I started with Brunie Etienne, cosplayed by my dear Lady Ligaya.

Thanks to Baron Shindon for the card! I just got the card myself and will return it to you when we meet ingame :)

Next I got is Adelina Esperanza (cosplayed by me) thanks to Lord Azartras' help! Actually, I cosplayed Adelina the Pirate, but for now I'll just have to make do with getting Adelina Esperanza and buying her a Pirate costume (is presently thinking of making an eyepatch for her cosplay). Sigh, I only wish I could get the Pirate Hat in game as easily :( Is it tradeable? I'd buy it!!!

And then I created a Female Elementalist and an Emilia Guiliano (thanks to Lord Shiinenju) and fitted them respectively with the Robe of Fire (thanks to a Bellem's Box while hoping I'd get the Pirate Hat instead) and Sage costumes for none other than our very own E-Games cosplayers Lady DeSanggria and Lady Veya!

And here's the screenshot of my latest acquisitions (GF, cosplay Beanelli neow! :3 )

I'm still working on getting a Jean-Pierre Gascon cosplayed by Lord Dan-Pierre XD I hope it would be easy getting him his Hat!


Unknown said...

eeeep!! what's my face doing there? XDDD

wow you're lvl 64 already? what's your main team?

jactinglim said...

Yeah thanks to my factionmates! My main team for now is Adelina, Brunie and Scout. My dream team will be Gascon, Adelina and Viki ^^