Sunday, March 16, 2008

Anhela la Venganza - our FFA entry

Our MOVIE CONTEST ENTRYFeb 3, '08 10:59 PM
for everyone
The movie may be viewed here ^^ and full credits here!

YOUtube links here: movie and credits

We are very happy with how we stayed with our vision ^^

Title: Anhela La Venganza

Director: Rivermiker / Miker
Production Assistant: Gatoblaca / Jac
Game Consultant: Azarthras / Erving


Female Musketeer: Joy Bordador
Male Scout: Dan Ilano
Male Fighter: Oneal Rosero
Brunie Etienne: Jac Ting Lim
Male Wizard: Ron Rosero
Female Scout: Jac Ting Lim
Male Musketeer: Paul Catiang

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